We’d like to wish all of our customers a Happy New Year. This week’s updates are a little longer than usual, as we have not done this update over Christmas.
Lists: New iOS App
A new iOS app for Microsoft Lists is being released mid-January, to allow you to access your SharePoint lists from your mobile.
When available, you’ll be able to download the iOS app from the App Store. With the Lists app, you can:
- Create new lists easily via templates.
- Get to any lists—including lists you’ve already been using–from the recent, my list, and favourite sections or via search and deep links.
- View lists, even in an offline state
- Organize data using sorting, filtering, grouping.
- Edit data on the list using mobile-friendly controls
- Add new data to lists
- Share lists as per organization rules
Teams: Meeting Recap
The new meeting recap feature in Teams helps meeting attendees and those unable to attend a meeting stay up-to-date by providing the meeting recording, transcript, and chat all in one place. These are automatically shared in the Chat tab and viewable in the Details tab.
For each meeting you will see an updated view on the calendar details tab that uses the existing meeting data.
Teams: allow invited users to bypass lobby
Teams meeting organisers will have the option to allow specific accounts that were invited to bypass the lobby. Anyone else with the meeting invite will be sent to the lobby.
Outlook: Meet Now
Users who have both the Teams desktop client and the Outlook desktop client installed, as well as the Team add-in for Outlook, will see a new “Meet Now” button in the calendar, making it easier to start an on-demand Teams meeting without opening the app first.
Teams: Mac Touch Bar Meeting Controls
Users of Macbook Pros with the touchbar will soon be able to use controls on the touch bar to manage their meeting, including: mute/unmute, turn camera on/off, open/close sharing tray, open/close participants panel, open/close chat panel and raise/retract hand.
PowerPoint for Mac: Record Presentation
PowerPoint for Mac users will be able to easily record PowerPoint presentations, capturing narration, slide timings, and ink gestures.
You’ll be able to record your webcam in the corner of the presentation, as well as your audio.
You’ll also be able to use the inking tools to annotate live on the presentation as you are presenting.
Teams: Add a shared calendar to a channel
You’ll be able to add a shared calendar to a Team channel on it’s own tab.
Word for the Web: Designer
Designer helps you create documents with a consistent look-and-feel. It provides a variety of themes to help you create documents that better communicate ideas visually.
Designer also detects formatting inconsistencies. Apply formatting fixes by clicking on a button at the top of the pane or allow formatting fixes to be applied automatically when selecting a theme.